Home News Protests Finding Solutions in the Face of the Inhumane Rule of Iran’s Mullahs

Finding Solutions in the Face of the Inhumane Rule of Iran’s Mullahs

In a situation where the regime responds to peaceful protests with bullets, tear gas, torture, and executions, resistance becomes the only recourse for those unwilling to endure a life of humiliation under Khamenei's cruel and criminal rule.

Iran has endured a brutal dictatorship devoid of compassion for human rights and dignity for the past 42 years, plunging much of the population into absolute poverty. To quell any potential uprisings and opposition, the regime employs aggressive tactics to suppress protests.

A recent report from the United Nations Human Rights Council has raised concerns about the alarming increase in executions witnessed in Iran over the past months. Shockingly, the regime has carried out more than 10 executions daily, predominantly on questionable charges such as drug trafficking and blasphemy.

While these executions serve as a means for the regime to address security concerns, particularly following the nationwide protests in 2022. It is evident that the primary motivation behind this surge lies in maintaining control. Official announcements reveal that in the past three weeks alone, the regime executed over 81 prisoners. Furthermore, the month of May witnessed the execution of 209 individuals, suggesting a trajectory that may surpass the previous year’s tally.

In light of these dire circumstances, the pivotal question arises: How can the people of Iran emancipate themselves from this oppressive dictatorship?

Repeatedly, the people have tried all venues in their attempts to effect change within the country. However, faced with a regime that maintains absolute control over the military and security forces, there appears to be no recourse other than resorting to force to liberate themselves from this oppressive medieval theocratic dictatorship. The regime’s crimes against humanity have reached unimaginable depths, leaving the people with no alternative but to pursue more drastic measures.

In a heart-wrenching incident, 10-year-old Kian Pirfalak, accompanied by his parents, met a tragic fate at the hands of the regime’s security forces. The horrifying incident not only claimed Kian’s life but also left his father severely injured and paralyzed. Devastatingly, Kian’s parents refute the regime’s claims that those who targeted their car were criminals or thieves. They say that it was, in fact, the regime’s own security forces who unleashed the deadly barrage.

Adding to the anguish, the regime has detained several ordinary young individuals and intends to subject them to brutal torture and coerced confessions, paving the way for their imminent execution.

The loss of Kian’s life stands as a tragic emblem of the countless children who became victims of the regime’s merciless crackdown during the nationwide protests that erupted in September 2022. An estimated minimum of 43 children lost their lives in the brutal and oppressive suppression of these demonstrations.

It is crucial to acknowledge that the case of Kian Pirfalak is just one among many distressing incidents that reflect the larger reality of the 3,000 individuals who lost their lives during the recent major uprisings. Equally alarming is the deliberate and brutal targeting of individuals by ruthless security forces, resulting in numerous people losing their vision after being intentionally shot in the face.

One poignant example is the case of Mohsen Shekari, who was sentenced to death for barricading a street, setting fire to a garbage can, and injuring a member of the regime’s Basij force. Shockingly, his sentence was carried out without delay, highlighting the regime’s callous disregard for human life and due process.

In another deeply troubling instance, two young men named Mohammad Hosseini and Mohammad Mahdi Karami were executed within a span of just two months, accused of murdering a Basiji force member. Furthermore, several others received harsh prison sentences ranging from three to fifteen years for their alleged involvement in the same incident.

Conversely, when it comes to the trial for the heinous act of shooting down a civilian Ukrainian plane in 2020, resulting in the tragic loss of 176 innocent lives, the regime exhibited a disconcerting disregard for justice. The world bore witness to the regime’s procrastination and deception, as it took three years to bring the accused to trial. In the end, the perpetrators received a sentence of merely 13 years in prison, further deepening the sense of injustice surrounding this devastating event.

Undoubtedly, when faced with a barbaric regime whose very fabric is intertwined with cruelty, crime, and injustice, the question arises: What actions can be taken to confront such a formidable force?

Reza Pahlavi, the son of the deposed Shah, and his supporters are suggesting that the people should continue their protests through silent and civil protests, and passive activities. He rejects any kind of active resistance against the regime.

He once said: “Those who say, ‘we neither forgive nor forget’ means that they want to promote the feeling of revenge. This, in my view, does not help.”

It is a stark reality that this approach is senseless and ineffective when confronted with a regime like that of Khamenei and his cohorts. Those advocating for this approach fail to acknowledge the plight of the people, while they themselves live far removed from any danger and bask in the stolen wealth of the nation, enjoying lives of luxury and prosperity. Their proposed solution only serves the interests of the oppressive regime.

In a situation where the regime responds to peaceful protests with bullets, tear gas, torture, and executions, resistance becomes the only recourse for those unwilling to endure a life of humiliation under Khamenei’s cruel and criminal rule.

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