The Iranian regime is currently facing a critical situation, and it appears inevitable that a new wave of protests will occur. The regime’s officials and media are working hard to prevent such protests by resorting to various measures.

These include increasing the number of executions, engaging in mass and arbitrary arrests, suppressing dissent, and bolstering security and intelligence forces. Additionally, they employ propaganda tactics to promote soft solutions and create fake opposition groups, all in an attempt to hinder the country’s uprising.

However, it is clear that the regime will ultimately fail to prevent the emergence of new protests. The reasons that initially led people to turn against the regime not only persist, but have worsened over time. Masoud Pezeshkian, a member of the regime’s parliament, recently acknowledged this reality by stating that the people’s voices are loud and clear.

He emphasized the need for MPs to listen to the grievances expressed by the people and not dismiss them as threats to national security. Pezeshkian recognized that imprisoning individuals and creating obstacles for them is not a viable solution. He stressed the importance of acknowledging the people’s alarm caused by their hardships and struggles, emphasizing that the people are reaching a breaking point.

Jalil Rahimi Jahanabadi, another MP, affirmed that the people’s suffering has only intensified, and there is a severe imbalance between their incomes and expenses. The problems faced by the people have reached a point where no viable solutions remain. These statements from within the regime itself highlight the growing dissatisfaction and desperation among the population.

Ashraf Boroujerdi, a former adviser to the regime’s president, acknowledged in a recent interview that those in power believe they can act with impunity because they are armed. The resulting acts of violence, blindness, and loss of life have a profound impact on society. While on the surface, calmness may prevail, Boroujerdi warns that beneath this facade lies a simmering discontent, ready to ignite with the smallest spark.

Abbas Abdi, a regime expert, believes that the root causes of the protests remain and have even intensified. He predicts that these factors will inevitably lead to further crises and subsequent protests. Similarly, Mohamad Mohajeri, another regime expert, compares Iranian society to a fault line, uncertain about when an earthquake may strike but certain that the fault line is active. Repression, he asserts, is not a sustainable solution.

Hossein Raghfar, a regime economic expert, points out that people are becoming increasingly furious due to skyrocketing prices. He criticizes officials for being preoccupied with their personal matters and ignoring the imminent danger brewing within society. In his view, the occurrence of protests and unforeseen unrest is a looming possibility.

Multiple warnings from regime officials and experts share a common theme: it is only a matter of time before the next wave of protests unfolds.

Furthermore, it is worth noting that the intensification of the regime’s repression has led to a more radical response from the people. Faced with increased oppression, they have resorted to more forceful methods. It is evident that the next uprising and subsequent protests are undeniably on the horizon.