Home News Iranian Opposition How the Iranian People and Their Resistance Will Defeat the Appeasement Policy

How the Iranian People and Their Resistance Will Defeat the Appeasement Policy

As the strength of the resistance and uprising increases, the influence of coercion and appeasement towards fascism and fundamentalism diminishes, and vice versa.

The religious fascism of Iran, driven by its deep fear of its imminent overthrow at the hands of the determined and resilient Iranian people, has resorted to both open and covert engagement with the world powers mainly to gain concessions in hopes of getting rid of its opposition. This disgraceful act of cowardice stems from their overwhelming sense of vulnerability.

The regime’s propaganda attempts to mask this fear, labeling such concessions from their previously staunch stance as ‘diplomatic strength.’ However, they understand that in the realm of negotiation and conciliation, they must give something to gain something in return.

When it comes to the interests and priorities of global powers, their preference is to safeguard their own interests by upholding channels of communication until the very end of a dictator’s reign, unless the continuation of such a policy becomes too costly for them. In other words, they adopt a pragmatic approach primarily driven by political and economic interests.

The key factor in countering this policy and urging the global community to support the revolution lies in the steadfastness and growth of the uprising led by the revolutionary forces.

As the strength of the resistance and uprising increases, the influence of coercion and appeasement towards fascism and fundamentalism diminishes, and vice versa.

In the present era, as the Iranian resistance confronts the grip of religious extremism within Iran, it also contends with the policy of appeasement adopted by foreign governments towards the ruling mullahs. This policy, which has now been exposed, is more deserving of challenge and opposition than ever before.

Engaging in appeasement with religious fascism, regardless of the guise or any justification and excuse, is akin to treading on the decaying bridge that Neville Chamberlain, the British Prime Minister (1937-1940), cautiously walked upon only to plummet into the depths of ridicule.

He believed that by feeding Hitler’s fascist regime, he could prevent it from growing more audacious. Yet, when we revisit the painful and enlightening history of the Second World War, we witness the devastating consequences of this misguided policy, resulting in the tragic loss of 70 to 85 million lives.

Revisiting the reprehensible policy of appeasement with the perpetrators of violence against the Iranian people represents a form of neo-Machiavellianism in this era of heightened awareness. The aim of this neo-Machiavellianism is to trample upon moral integrity, human principles, human rights, universal values, and the numerous accomplishments that previous generations have inscribed in history at the cost of countless lives.

These achievements are the shared heritage of all humanity, and it is the responsibility of all political currents, governments, human rights organizations, intellectuals, scientists, artists, and so on, to staunchly defend them through every available means, perspective, and philosophical outlook. This is because our current civilization is built upon these foundations. Should we extinguish the torch of these values, we would essentially regress humanity and society back to a state of savagery.

This is an age where the progress and widespread accessibility of communication has shattered the barriers of borders, transforming the world into a vast aquarium. Within this aquarium, nothing can remain concealed indefinitely behind closed doors. Those who fail to acknowledge this undeniable reality have yet to grasp the essence of politics and its interconnectedness with the present-day world.

The Iranian resistance, having accumulated valuable experience throughout decades of combatting religious extremism and the detrimental policy of appeasement, has never compromised its values, principles, red lines, and core beliefs. In the face of fascism and pragmatism aligning against the collective will of nations and public opinion, the power of freedom and resistance surpasses their collusion and aggression.

The ultimate outcome of this alignment is inevitable for the proponents of fascism and fundamentalism: defeat and disgrace. Conversely, for the people and resistance of Iran, as well as the awakened conscience of the world, it signifies pride, dignity, and unwavering faith in the universal principles and values of freedom, honor, and victory.

The architects and perpetuators of this deplorable policy will one day be compelled to apologize before the Iranian people and the resistance. It serves as a warning that this day is swiftly approaching.

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