Speaking to Sarah Carter, Mrs Rajavi said that women have an important role in stopping terrorism and repression in the Middle East. “I believe it’s time women enter the political arena,” she said.

Maryam Rajavi spoke about the 120,000 NCRI members executed by the theocratic regime, showing the reporter the heavy book which records each martyr. She spoke of the loss of six of her own family tortured and executed by the regime, remembering her “little sister, torn limb from limb” by the torturers. 

Warning that the world needs to “wake up” to the Iranian regime’s aggression at home and abroad, Maryam Rajavi said that appeasement by the West was paving the way for terrorism by the Iranian government. There must, she said, be “zero tolerance” of the regime by the West: “only when one dries up the swamp, do the mosquitoes die,” Mrs Rajavi declared.
