A chilling prospect hangs over the Middle East: Iran’s potential possession of a nuclear bomb within weeks, according to a report in Bild. This terrifying outcome follows the recent Israeli counterattack and the subsequent uneasy calm.

Ulrich Schlie, security studies director at the University of Bonn, warns that Iran stands on the precipice of nuclear weapon capability, as reported by Bild. He estimates a timeframe of mere weeks for them to achieve this.

The possibility of Iran using nuclear weapons is heightened by their recent large-scale attack on Israel. Experts believe this assault served as a display of Iran’s “all options and capabilities,” including a potential nuclear strike or using the bomb as a deterrent against further Israeli action, according to Bild.

While a preemptive strike on Iran’s production facilities by Israel might delay the program, experts like Fabian Hinz of the IISS argue it wouldn’t dismantle it entirely, as reported by Bild.

The urgency is dire. Sima Shine, an Iran expert from the INSS think tank, emphasizes the need for immediate and maximum pressure from the US and EU to prevent “catastrophe,” according to Bild.

However, the timeline for weaponization presents a complex picture. Security expert Prof. Krause clarifies that “within a week” refers to Iran’s ability to produce enough enriched uranium, not a deployable nuclear weapon, as reported by Bild. Challenges remain in miniaturization for missile delivery and the need for pre-deployment testing.

Testing itself triggers a critical point. A nuclear test would likely prompt an immediate attack on Iran, potentially with nuclear weapons, to neutralize their arsenal before it becomes operational, according to Bild.

For Israel, the stakes are existential. Prof. Krause emphasizes that Israel might resort to using nuclear weapons itself to dismantle Iran’s program, given its small size and vulnerability to a nuclear attack, as reported by Bild.

The report in Bild concludes with a stark reminder: Iran’s leadership maintains its goal of destroying Israel. Despite potential consequences, experts believe they might still launch a nuclear strike if they have the capability.