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Rally in Berlin: Former German MP Calls for Support of Iranian Resistance Against Regime Oppression

Rally in Berlin: Former German MP Calls for Support of Iranian Resistance Against Regime Oppression

Former German MP Leo Dautzenberg delivered a powerful speech at a major rally in Berlin on February 10, addressing thousands of Iranians and supporters of the Iranian Resistance. Amidst calls for freedom and democracy, Dautzenberg emphasized the ongoing struggle against the oppressive regime in Iran.

In his address, Dautzenberg urged the acknowledgment of President Rajavi’s Ten-Point Plan as a viable democratic alternative to the current regime. He highlighted the importance of remaining vigilant against regime propaganda and combating misinformation campaigns aimed at discrediting the National Resistance Council and German-Iranian society.

Reflecting on the historic significance of the Iranian Revolution of 1979, Dautzenberg underscored the aspirations of the Iranian people for freedom and democracy. While the revolution initially promised liberation from dictatorship, the rise of Khomeini and the imposition of Islamic fundamentalism stifled these hopes.

Throughout the past four decades, the Iranian people have endured grave injustices under the rule of religious leaders and the Mullah regime. Despite the regime’s brutal tactics to suppress dissent, the spirit of resistance remains strong, led by the National Resistance Council and its unwavering commitment to democratic ideals.

Dautzenberg paid tribute to the sacrifices made by Iranian resistance fighters, noting the execution of over 30,000 individuals in 1988 alone. He emphasized that their sacrifice must not be forgotten and called for greater international support for the democratic alternative presented by President Rajavi’s Ten-Point Plan.

Drawing attention to the regime’s role in sponsoring terrorism, Dautzenberg condemned the Mullah regime’s support for extremist groups like Hamas. He urged Western countries to recognize the regime’s involvement in destabilizing the Middle East and to stand in solidarity with the Iranian resistance.

Addressing the need for regime change in Iran, Dautzenberg stressed that peace in the region and democracy in Iran are contingent upon dismantling the oppressive regime. He highlighted the crucial role of the Resistance Units in organizing protests and opposing the repressive tactics of the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC).

In conclusion, Dautzenberg called for unified efforts to counter regime propaganda and expose smear campaigns against the NCRI and German-Iranian society. He reaffirmed the commitment of the rally attendees to the ongoing struggle for freedom and democracy, both in Iran and on the streets of Berlin.

The rally concluded with Dautzenberg handing over the platform to President Rajavi, symbolizing the collective determination to support the Iranian Resistance in its quest for a free and democratic Iran.

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