Home News Iranian Opposition Iran’s Path to Overthrow Dictatorship and Establish Democracy 

Iran’s Path to Overthrow Dictatorship and Establish Democracy 

The path to overthrowing the dictatorship and establishing a national, popular, and democratic government in Iran rests in the hands of the Iranian people.

On the anniversary of Iran’s 2022 uprising, the people of Iran are gearing up for a larger revolt against the ruling religious dictatorship. Meanwhile, the ruling regime, in addition to escalating repression and ongoing human rights violations within Iran, is conspiring globally to suppress the overthrow movement. Fearing its demise, the regime is using both covert and overt methods to gain support from international appeasers and regional governments, all in an effort to evade justice and cling to power.

The looming question is whether the religious regime in Iran can withstand this growing opposition, or if it will ultimately be overthrown. If it does fall, when and how will it happen? Let’s examine the achievements of the uprising in the past year to gain insights.

On the anniversary of the uprising that began with the murder of Mahsa Amini on September 16, 2022, in Tehran, several fundamental facts about Iran have come to light:

  1. Illegitimate and Dictatorial Regime: It is evident that the ruling regime is dictatorial and lacks legitimacy in the eyes of the Iranian people. Their primary demand is the overthrow of this dictatorial regime, and they aspire to establish a national, popular, and democratic government.
  2. Diminished Regime Strength: The regime’s grip on power in Iran is weakening, and its final phase seems imminent. The people of Iran, as well as the international community, recognize this, and the regime’s departure appears inevitable.
  3. No Return to the Past: The Iranian people are resolute that Iran’s future will not mirror its past, marked by dictatorship. Just as they toppled the Shah’s regime, they are on the verge of dismantling the Velayat-e-Faqih dictatorship. There is a consensus among the people for victory over the dictatorship.
  4. End of Appeasement: The era of appeasement with the Iranian dictatorship has reached its limit. Previous attempts to find favorable alternatives have failed, and the Iranian people will not accept another dictatorial system, whether under the guise of monarchy or religious rule.
  5. Exposure of Opportunists: Those who opportunistically claimed to support the revolution or the uprising have been exposed and have largely faded from the scene.
  6. Organized Resistance: There exists an organized and resilient alternative to the dictatorship—a force rooted in Iranian society and supported by both the Iranian people and the international community. This alternative advocates for “republic,” “democracy,” “pluralism,” and “secularism” and has a proven track record in the fight against dictatorship.
  7. Democratic Alternative: Over the past four decades, and especially in the last year, no serious and authentic alternative to the “Democratic Alternative of the National Council of Resistance of Iran” has emerged. This alternative, with its commitment to slogans like “uprising until overthrow,” “death to the principle of religious authority,” “overthrow of the dictatorship,” and “neither Shah nor mullah,” stands as the longest-lasting political coalition in Iran’s history, championing “freedom and independence.”

How Will the People Achieve Victory?

The only viable path to victory over the dictatorship and the establishment of a national, popular, and democratic government is the continuous and escalating uprising. This must involve new forms of protest, including targeting the repressive forces of the dictatorship. Any deviation, sluggishness, or complacency in this direction will only provide the regime with an opportunity to regroup and buy time for its survival.

The most crucial achievement is the undeniable power of the people, which surpasses that of the dictatorship. This power can bring an end to the regime in Iran and the region, closing the door on appeasers and foreign supporters of the Iranian dictatorship, and paving the way for a “free Iran” in the future. This power hinges on the unity and solidarity of diverse segments of the population, encompassing various political, religious, and national affiliations.

Freedom is never granted freely; it requires sacrifice. No nation has achieved liberation without a struggle. Thus, every drop of bloodshed has a purpose, and the best way to honor the martyrs is to persist in their noble cause. Their banner should be upheld without fear of the challenges ahead, as the liberation of Iran from dictatorship is within reach.

The Current Landscape and Iran’s Future Path

As we reach the first anniversary of the brave uprising of the Iranian people against the dictatorship, we witness renewed efforts by the regime’s allies to portray the “people’s uprising” as defeated and finished. The dictatorship, with the support of its allies and remnants of the former regime, intensifies its wave of arrests, executions, repression, and torture domestically. Simultaneously, it seeks behind-the-scenes alliances with international actors, all while creating a stage for the enemies of the people to enter the scene on the anniversary of the uprising.

However, the Iranian people remain determined to continue their chosen path and overthrow the dictatorial system. This is a fight for freedom, not just for Iran, but as a model for others to follow. Therefore, the uprising persists until the dictatorship is overthrown. The Iranian people have embraced the path of “continuing the uprising” and intensifying it, demonstrating their unwavering commitment to this cause.

Dictatorship versus Popular Alternative

Contrary to claims within Iranian opposition circles, it is no secret to the ruling religious dictatorship that the main threat to its survival is the “National Council of Resistance of Iran,” with the People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran at its core. This is why the regime relentlessly attempts to buy off this main subversive force through various means, international conflicts, and substantial expenses, all in a desperate bid to secure its own survival.

While international activities and diplomacy have played a crucial role in the Iranian resistance’s fight against the dictatorship, they have never replaced the importance of Resistance Units within Iran itself. The Iranian resistance’s most distinguishing feature is its active presence among the people and in the cities of Iran. It has been instrumental in previous popular uprisings and, especially, in the recent uprising that began on September 16, 2022, advancing the uprising’s true goals.

The Role of the Iranian Resistance

The Iranian resistance, equipped with an “organized Resistance” and a “revolutionary diplomatic approach,” has countered attempts by the remnants of the Shah regime and the mullahs’ dictatorships to marginalize it and silence the people’s uprising. It has also challenged the distorted and inadequate slogans of these bad players that seek to undermine the Iranian people’s primary demand—the overthrow of the dictatorship. Through these efforts, the Iranian resistance aims to garner global support for the Iranian people’s uprising.

The current uprising, though the most recent in a series of anti-dictatorship uprisings in Iran, is a culmination of four decades of struggle and sacrifice. Notably, it recalls the tragic massacre of over 30,000 political prisoners in 1988, carried out on the orders of Khomeini and executed by individuals like Ebrahim Raisi, the current president of the regime.

Seeking Justice

Efforts to bring justice to the victims of the 1988 massacre have continued relentlessly. Litigation and disclosure movements both inside and outside Iran have played a crucial role in revealing the truth about this horrific event. Mrs. Maryam Rajavi, the president-elect of the National Council of Resistance of Iran, has emphasized that the movement for litigation aims to hold the Velayat al-Faqih regime accountable for its crimes. It seeks to end the regime’s 40-year immunity for committing crimes against humanity and bring individuals like Khamenei, Raisi, Gholam-Hossein Mohseni-Eje’i, and other responsible parties to trial in international courts.

The Way Forward

The Iranian people have come to understand that the past will never return, and victory lies in the continuation and intensification of the uprising. Any hesitation or pause will only empower the dictatorship further. Thus, the key to accelerating progress and achieving victory over the dictatorship lies in resolute and relentless resistance.

Facing enemies of the people

The regime’s supporters and global powers seek to limit the options available to the Iranian people and resistance. This pattern has repeated itself for decades, preventing the closure of the chapter on dictatorial regimes in Iran and the establishment of a national, popular, and democratic government.

It is crucial for Iran’s political forces to recognize this reality and unite in the face of these challenges. They must not shy away from the difficulties ahead because the facts are unyielding and demand action. The Iranian people hold the key to overthrowing the dictatorship and establishing a just and democratic government in Iran.

In Conclusion

The path to overthrowing the dictatorship and establishing a national, popular, and democratic government in Iran rests in the hands of the Iranian people. To confront the desires of reactionary and colonial forces, political forces within Iran must unite, fully aware of the obstacles before them. The facts are clear: the Iranian people’s resolve cannot be underestimated, and the time for change is now.

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