December 10 of each year is designated as World Human Rights Day, according to the United Nations. The Universal Declaration of Human Rights was adopted in Paris on the same day in 1948.

Until the end of World War II, humanity had not generally exercised these universal rights. The tragic effects of World War II and the attack on freedom, brotherhood, and equality by Hitler’s fascism necessitated the codification and universal ratification of these rights.

Under pressure from public opinion, the San Francisco Conference unanimously decided to prosecute and punish the perpetrators of war crimes and crimes against humanity, as well as to draft an international declaration on human rights.

The establishment of a UN human rights commission in 1946 accelerated this. Professor Rene Cassin was tasked with drafting the second draft of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights based on the first draft, drafted by Professor John Peters Humphrey, and submitted to the Commission. Following this process, in 1948, the preamble and final articles of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights were adopted.

This Declaration obliges states to make the civil, cultural, economic, political, and social rights of all human beings a priority in all their activities, regardless of race, color, sex, country, religion, social status, or physical composition.

But human rights have no place in the mullahs’ brutal and conscienceless government. The viewpoint of Khomeini’s rule from its first days has been based on a fundamentalist judiciary that is handing down the most brutal and inhuman verdicts.

Once in a conference, Khomeini expressed his view about human rights such as this:

“Sometimes a man will do not become right unless you amputate and burn. Those people who are against this, kill them, hit them, and imprison them.”

He mocked the Universal Declaration of Human Rights so as to have free rein to suppress and violate these universal rights.

“They say they are free human beings! For the stupefaction of the masses, which can no longer be stunned. The issue of what they are going through, one of which is the declaration of human rights … this is a deception; This is opium for the masses, for the people.”

For this reason, the system based on the absolute authority of the Velayat-e Faghih (supreme religious rule), claims a separate vision of human rights. Of course, in one place, there is only one parenthesis for human rights. Establishment of staff called Human Rights experts in the regime’s Judiciary, whose job is to theorize the sentences of torture and execution and to condemn the violation of human rights in Iran by the United Nations that is happening almost every year.

The most accurate interpretation of human rights against this regime is the sentence of Iran’s most valuable human rights defender Dr. Kazem Rajavi who was killed by this regime when he once said: ‘We write human rights with our blood.’

The people and the resistance of Iran have ‘written human rights with their blood’ now for more than four decades. These unjustly shed blood have the right to ask why, on the anniversary of the adoption of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, human rights are not yet the main criterion for interaction and regulation? Why are these fundamental rights marginalized?

Why, now that the notoriety of human rights abuses of this regime has spread across the continents and is being globalized, why is the global community taking no decisive action to prevent the deterioration of the human rights situation in Iran?

Why now that the online broadcast of Hamid Noury’s trial sessions in Sweden have exposed new dimensions of the regime’s human rights violations in the 1988 massacre, Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei, and President Ebrahim Raisi are not facing international courts for the same crime?

Why does Europe not support and stay behind the Iranian people’s desire to overthrow religious tyranny, while they know that this regime has repressed the November 2019 protests in the most violent way and killed more than 1500 people, and recently responded to the thirsty provinces of Iran with bullets?

These are questions that should have priority in any relation to the regime. This is something that is even more important than the JCPOA negotiations. Over the past 20 years, this was the regime’s main tool to expand its religious cruelty in the Middle East and a nuclear bomb is just a tool for this goal.